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A Story and Some Tips For Sustainable OSS Projects

12 July 2015 #

This past week Kyle Kingsbury tweeted about being flooded with pull requests caused by changes to the InfluxDB API. Concidentally, I had just spent several hours over the July 4th weekend dealing with the same problem in go-metrics, albeit on a smaller scale. I think these are symptoms of a very very common problem with OSS projects.

A bit of history

The Metrics library has a very simple core API made up of various metrics-related interfaces - you can create metrics, push in new values, and read the metrics’ current values and aggregates. Simple and beautiful.

The library was originally put together by the epic Richard Crowley while he was working at Betable. He was starting to experiment with using Go for services, and needed a way to keep track of them. Finding no satisfactory equivalent to Coda Hale’s metrics library for Java, Richard made his own. Folks quickly wrote adapters to push metrics into their time series system of choice - I wrote one for Librato. Richard happily merged the PRs.

The core features were built, everything worked reasonably well, and Richard moved on to a job that doesn’t use Go nearly as heavily. Several months later, I noticed go-metrics had 20+ open pull requests. I pinged Richard and offered to help maintain the project. We were using it heavily, and were happy to pay our dues. Richard immediately made myself and Wade, a Betable employee, collaborators on the repository. I started looking over the PRs.

The Paralysis

too many papers
Cropped from photo by wheatfields

I quickly realized that I was not qualified to review a good chunk of the PRs:

  • Update for InfluxDB 0.9
  • Fallback to old influxdb client snapshot
  • Update influxdb client

“I don’t know jack about InfluxDB,” I thought. “How am I supposed to decide what gets merged and what doesn’t?” There was a Riemann client in there too. Who am I to judge a Riemann client lib?

I had also observed that the InfluxDB API was still changing quite a bit. I remembered that there had previously been a wave of PRs about InfluxDB. Wait, was this the same wave?

Another issue that gave me pause was that I had no idea how many people were already using this library with Influx, expecting the current client to continue working. How many builds would break? Go’s notoriously loosey-goosey dependency management made it likely that as soon as I merged any API changing PR, I would get another PR changing it back the next day.

There was also a PR about adding a Riemann client. Welp, I don’t use that regularly either..


In the summer of 2012, I did a brief contacting stint with Librato. Among other things, I helped build a Java client library. They also asked me to tie that client to Coda’s library, so I obliged and submited a PR. Coda replied fairly tersely:

Really cool functionality, but I’ve been declining further modules for the main Metrics distribution. I suggest you run this as your own project. I’ll be adding a section in the Metrics documentation with links to related libraries, and this should definitely be in it.

At the time, I thought “Well that kinda sucks. I want my code up there, with the cool kids’ code in the really popular library.” Now, literally 3 years later, I understood exactly why Coda made that move. He didn’t use Librato. He had no idea what would make a good or bad Librato client. It was just more surface area to support. He had enough to worry about with core Metrics and DropWizard features, keeping up with JVM changes and compatibility issues, etc, Never mind other projects.

The Path Forward

well fitted pieces
Cropped from photo by matthewbyrne

Though Kyle points out that this may not be the best approach for every project, it seemed very clear to me that the only way the go-metrics lib could continue to be maintained, at least by myself and Wade, was to modularize and move any external dependencies out to their own libraries - with their own maintainers, and hopefully their own communities. It’s not going to make the “moving target API” problem any easier, but it’ll put the solution into the hands of the people who are actually interacting with the problem and have a vested interest in achieving and maintaining a palatable solution. It removes myself, Richard, and Wade, completely disinterested and uninitiated bystanders, from the critical path to a solution.

At the end of the day, it’s just Separation of Concerns. It’s just good organization. The task is broken up into small semi-independent pieces with responsibility for each piece given to the person with the most interest in that piece. There’s a corresponding and very palpable feeling of psychological relief. “Review the PRs for go-metrics” is no longer this huge nebulous task that will require a huge amount of context and deep understanding of some additional system. I know the core APIs. I can evaluate changes to that fairly quickly.

Practical Tips For Maintainers

If you find yourself maintaining a small OSS project with a fairly well defined scope and API, here are some tips to keep yourself sane (some of these are more general, not specific to the above story):

  • Always have a buddy. If your project gets any traction and you start seeing community adoption, find one or more particularly enthusiastic users and convince them to help carry the load. We all want to take care of our baby projects, but real life is what it is. People change jobs, have health issues, go on lengthy vacations, start families, become vampires. Some combination of those things will likely make your interest in any given project oscillate, and you should have a framework in place for making sure you don’t create another zombie on GitHub.
  • Resist dependencies. If someone creates a PR which brings in a new library, especially code that talks to something over the network - a server or SaaS of some kind - strongly consider pushing the author towards starting their own library. If this is not possible due to a lack of APIs, invest the time in adding hooks instead. It’ll be worth it.
  • Have a concise contribution policy. This will greatly reduce the burden of having to reply to PRs that suffer from obvious code quality issues. It is an absolute MUST to have a pre-written set of rules to appeal to instead of having to post seemingly arbitrary responses to individual PR authors.
  • Enforce guidelines automatically whenever possible. We are living in a remarkable age. The tools available to maintaners are simply amazing. With the help of services like GitHub, TravisCI, CodeClimate, etc., there’s no need to maintain a mailing list, apply patches by hand, set up some jury-rigged systems for running tests. It’s all free, and it’s all great. Use it. go-metrics and go-tigertonic do not take advantage of the OSS ecosystem, and I am about to fix that. One other small note here: you should make it very easy to replicate the exact process that the build is going to perform locally. There should be a Makefile or something similar containing the one command that the build tool is going to run so that folks can validate their branches easily without having to wait on the CI tool to run against their PR.

Hopefully you find our experience with maintaining and reviving go-metrics helpful, and this story helps you avoid similar pitfalls. Happy hacking.